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Seed (Many Medicines in one) |
seed Oil &
Black Seed 500
- Interest in black seed (Nigella sativa) is finally
blossoming through the world. Modern research indicates that
this aromatic herb from the Middle East can:
• Increase T-cells for
improved immune system;
• Enhance the body’s anti-tumour activity;
• Exert antioxidant and anti-tumour activity;
• Protect against bacteria and fungal infections;
• Relieve prostate inflammation;
• Increase flow of milk in nursing mothers.
Black seed provides 15 amino acids, carbohydrates, Saponins,
alkaloids, calcium, fiber, iron, potassium, 23 plant
sterols, and volatile oils. Compounds in these volatile oils
help block the spread of several strains of bacteria and
Candida. Thymoquinone, a major component in black seed’s
volatile oils, appears to have potent therapeutic impact on
rheumatism and related inflammatory diseases.
In the 13th century, the
Arabic healer Ibn Kaym recommended black seed for more than
50 medical conditions, including bronchial asthma,
bronchitis, including bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and
other respiratory tract problems. It has also been used over
the last 2000 years to reduce inflammation, relieve
arthritis pain, soothe digestive troubles, treat
constipation, combat parasites, cleanse and strengthen the
liver, and promotes vitality and overall good health.

Colds &
Flue |
seed & Echinacea - Echinacea
is a beautiful Gift from the plant world. It is one of the
herbs that helped introduce the world to herbal medicine. It
was the “cure all” for native North America from snake bites
to cold and flu. Echinacea has achieved recognition due to
its ability to enhance the bodies natural system. It has
been found to increase healthy white blood cells that helps
to flush waste from the lymphatic system which is crucial to
the health of the immune system. Black seed has also been
proven to stimulate and stabilize the immune system. It also
helps equalize the effects of Echinacea on the immune system
allowing Echinacea, in this combination to be taken longer.

Energy &
Endurance |
seed & Royal Jelly - In
today’s busy schedule the demand for mental and physical
energy is very high. The bees produce a very important
substance called Royal Jelly. The Chinese for 2000 years
have considered Royal Jelly a source of longevity,
revitalization and restoration. It improves stamina and
produces greater endurance especially when under stress.
Royal Jelly contains water, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins
and B vitamins. Royal Jelly promotes a healthy adrenal gland
which helps support woman joining pregnancy, menopause and
menstruation. Black seed and Royal Jelly work together for
maintaining and increasing mental and physical energy.

System Booster |
Seed & Garlic - Our
immune system is constantly being challenged. It is
important to support it with energy, rest, good food and
good supplements. Garlic and black seed is a great
Garlic has been used for many centuries in Europe and has
been used to cure many diseases, garlic plays a special role
in supporting the immune system. It enhances the line of
defence to ward off diseases.
When taken with black seed, it increases the enhancing
effect on the immune system.

Cholesterol |
(Black seed, Garlic & Lecithin) - Lecithin
breaks fat into very small particles enabling it to pass
through the body. It prevents build up on the arterial walls
as well as keeping the fat in a soluble form. Garlic has
proven its ability to reduce total serum cholesterol levels.
Garlic can aid in the metabolizing or digestion of fats
along with removing the toxins that are released from the
fat. Combine lecithin and garlic with black seed which
boosts the immune system and also works as an antioxidant
which prevents the formation of oxidized LDL. In addition,
black seed lowers cholesterol and LDL levels by increasing
cholesterol loss in the gastro intestinal tract and
potentiating lecithin effect.

Allergy &
Antioxidant |
Seed Coni-Grape
Pine Bark/Grape Seed - These
are two very special anti-oxidant formulas. What are
anti-oxidants? Simply put they are the good scavengers
roaming our bodies searching for free radicals also known as
toxins. Once found these anti-oxidants try to neutralize and
eliminate the toxic substances, toxins may come from the
environment, food supplies and also waste from our own
cells. These toxins destroy cells causing a large variety of
problems such as suppressed immune disorders and allergies.
Grape seeds contain very special bioflavonoid called
proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins are considered to be
one of the most potent anti-oxidants available. Studies have
shown these bioflavonoid to have stronger anti-oxidants
properties than both vitamin E and vitamin C. Anti-oxidants
like grape seed work synergistically with many substances
found in our body. These special bioflavonoid work well with
many different herbs especially immune enhancing ones such
as black seed. Black seed has many properties that nourish
the immune system in turn supporting the whole body.

Cough &
Sore Throat |
Syrup (Black seed & Honey) - The
wonderful immune boosting qualities found in black seed work
well in a liquid base such as honey.
In this form, it helps relieve coughs and minor irritations
in the throat.
Cherry, blueberry, cinnamon and cloves are added to improve
flavour making it more enjoyable for children.
Anxiety & Fighting addictions |
Immu-Stress - Ginger
and Thyme in this formula can help alleviate anxiety and
stress. They are herbs that calm and nourish the nervous
system. A recent study was done in Panama city, Florida
where they were observing the effects of ginger and thyme.
Ginger and thyme showed the ability to reduce anxiety and
produce a tranquil effect within the body. Ginger usually
has a stimulating effect on the body and can sooth the
effects of motion sickness. Ginger is also known to be a
thromboxane agonist which helps block anxiety receptors.
Thyme has an antimicrobial effect and antiviral effect. Two
wonderful and safe herbs to help us through our stressful
They can also be used to help a person quit smoking by
reducing the cravings for cigarettes and food. Ginger and
thyme help to control nervous tension. When black seed is
added to the mix the immune system is supported while the
body begins to detoxify from the toxic substances in
cigarettes. Black seed also helps to heal the chronic
inflammation in the lungs usually associated with smoking.