The tastiest spread you
would ever have!

specially designed to keep you healthy all
year round
ImmuneKare is a natural remedy containing
some very effective immune support.
and Herbs
with Black seed, Grape seed, Echinacea,
Ginseng & Maca.
Effective immune
Stir first as honey pushes to surface any material
mixed with it. Take product directly, use it as
spread or mix it with tea, smoothie, or any favorite
The immune system is
always working, some days harder then others. The body is
continually meeting up with bacteria's, viruses, parasites,
yeasts, mold, and environmental pollutants such as
automobile exhaust, factory pollutants and cigarette smoke.
All of these substances, the immune system must disable,
destroy or deal with in some matter. The health of the
immune system depends on many factors such as stress,
fatigue, poor diet and travel all of which can weaken these
defences, leaving us vulnerable. Getting sick is quite
inconvenience for most people as it takes time away from
work, family and friends. Over the counter medicine is big
business, all in the name of stopping cold and flu symptoms.
At Kare and Hope we know the importance of keeping the
immune system strong and healthy. ImmuneKare was created
with this in mind; it is a natural effective remedy
containing some very effective immune support. ImmuneKare is
a blend of Echinacea, Grape Seed Extract, Black Seed,
Siberian Ginseng and Maca in a base of honey. At Kare and
Hope well believe in supplying the body with all the right
ingredients, to help the immune system deal with what ever
come its way and helping to achieve total health.