Black Seed 500
Nigella Sativa commonly known as black seed. This mild aromatic herb is indigenous to the Middle East where it has been used as a traditional remedy for over 2000 years. It was used so extensively that it became known as the seed of blessing “Habbatul Barakah”.
Black seed is commonly used for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and ailments of the respiratory tract. It is also reduces inflammation, corrects digestive disturbances and constipation, and fights worms of the digestive tract. It also helps to improve both kidney and liver functions, getting rid of kidney stones and detoxifying the liver. In addition, it improves milk production in nursing mothers and increases sperm count in men. Black seed also increases energy and is a great general tonic. Skin conditions such as eczema and infections can be treated by topically applying Black seed.
Suggested Uses:
Allergic Diseases for i.e.:
1-Bronchial Asthma and Hay fever.
2-Infections including Parasitic Infestations.
3-Cancer and in conjunction with cancer chemotherapy.
4-Autoimmune Diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.
5-Constipation.  |
Black Seed Oil
Nigella Sativa commonly known as black seed. This mild aromatic herb is indigenous to the Middle East where it has been used as a traditional remedy for over 2000 years. It was used so extensively that it became known as the seed of blessing “Habbatul Barakah”.
Black seed is commonly used for bronchial asthma, bronchitis, and ailments of the respiratory tract. It is also reduces inflammation, corrects digestive disturbances and constipation, and fights worms of the digestive tract. It also helps to improve both kidney and liver functions, getting rid of kidney stones and detoxifying the liver. In addition, it improves milk production in nursing mothers and increases sperm count in men. Black seed also increases energy and is a great general tonic. Skin conditions such as eczema and infections can be treated by topically applying Black seed.
Suggested Uses:
Allergic Diseases for i.e.:
1-Bronchial Asthma and Hay fever.
2-Infections including Parasitic Infestations.
3-Cancer and in conjunction with cancer chemotherapy.
4-Autoimmune Diseases like Multiple Sclerosis.
5-Constipation.  |
Blagar 900 Our immune system
is constantly being challenged. It is important to
support it with energy, rest, good food and good
Garlic and black
seed is a great supplement. Garlic has been used for
many centuries in Europe and has been used to cure
many diseases, garlic plays a special role in
supporting the immune system.
It enhances the
line of defence to ward off diseases. When taken
with black seed, it increases the enhancing effect
on the immune system.
Suggested Uses:
1-Reduces high Blood Pressure and blood cholesterol
2-Infections Including Candida.
4-A digestive tonic.  |
Black Seed & Echinacea is a
beautiful Gift from the plant world. It is one of
the herbs that helped introduce the world to herbal
medicine. It was the “cure all” for native North
America from snake bites to cold and flu. Echinacea
has achieved recognition due to its ability to
enhance the bodies natural system.
It has been found
to increase healthy white blood cells that helps to
flush waste from the lymphatic system which is
crucial to the health of the immune system. Black
seed has also been proven to stimulate and stabilize
the immune system. It also helps equalize the
effects of Echinacea on the immune system allowing
Echinacea, in this combination to be taken longer.
Suggested Uses:
2-Wound Healing.
3-Blood poisoning.