MSM Methyl-sulfonyl-methane
(MSM) is a naturally-occurring sulfur compound.
Many years of clinical use at Oregon Health Sciences
University has demonstrated that MSM provides pain
relief and anti-inflammatory benefits.
Some of MSM's essential functions in the body
include maintaining the structure of the proteins in
the body, helping the formation of keratin which is
essential for hair and nail growth. Some studies
demonstrated the effectiveness of a natural
substance Lignisul MSM on acute athletic injuries,
such as muscle sprains and strains.
Suggested Uses:
1-Inhibition of pain impulses along nerve fibers
2-Lessening of inflammation.
3-Increase in blood supply.
4-Reduction of muscle spasm.
5-Softening of scar tissue.
6-Hair and nail growth.  |
Clucosamine & Chondroitin
Sulfate (CS) is a Glycosaminoglycans (GAG) found in
connective tissue and the nervous system, normally
attached to a protein core. CS GAG chains are
heteropolycaccharides of variable length comprised
of alternating sugars D-glucuronic acid (GlcA) and
N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNac). In some of these
sugars, some GlcA residues are epimerized into
L-iduronic acid (IdoA), in which case the GAG chain
would be called dermatan Sulfate (DS).
In the matrix of cartilage, CS functions to maintain
osmotic pressure by absorbing water and therefore
help hydrate the cartilage. CS also contributes to
the flexibility and elasticity of the bone. Most
importantly, it serves as a chondroprotective agent
by protecting the cartilage against enzymatic
reactions and free radical damage (including nitric
oxide released by chondrocytes).
Suggested Uses:
1-Treatment of Arthritis.
3-Wound Healing.  |
Blagar 900 Our immune system
is constantly being challenged. It is important to
support it with energy, rest, good food and good
Garlic and black
seed is a great supplement. Garlic has been used for
many centuries in Europe and has been used to cure
many diseases, garlic plays a special role in
supporting the immune system.
It enhances the
line of defence to ward off diseases. When taken
with black seed, it increases the enhancing effect
on the immune system.
Suggested Uses:
1-Reduces high Blood Pressure and blood cholesterol
2-Infections Including Candida.
4-A digestive tonic.  |